On March 17th 14 swimmers set off down south to compete at Millfield school in their first competition of the National qualification window.
Against some new competition in a fresh new environment swimmers from Chesterfield were on the pace from the get go cleaning up in the distance events on Friday evening. By the end of Saturday the small team of 14 had managed to place themselves on the top of the leaderboard for visiting clubs.
PB's continued to fall on Sunday and medals continued to flow in but unfortunately we couldn't stay on top against some of the big teams in the south and our magnificent 14 dropped to 3rd in the top visiting club table. Still a major achievement against teams with 30+ swimmers.
While the team finished 3rd, Amber Downham delivered spectacular performances across the board in a whole range of events to finish as Top Girl of all clubs. Well done Amber.
A special mention as well to Chloe Stennett who swam out of her skin in both the 800m and 400m Freestyle to narrowly miss her British Champs qualifying times by less than 0.5% in both, she still has 2018 and 2019 as a junior so we have no doubt we will be seeing her there soon.
A fantastic weekend full of FAST swimming. Well done all!