Please find below the information for this years Short Course County Championships held at Matlock on 17th/18th and 24th/25th February 2018.
All swimmers MUST have achieved the entry time for the events they wish to enter. All entry times shall be registered on the British Swimming Rankings database and MUST have been achieved after 1st January 2017. Times not on rankings will not be able to be entered.
Please ensure that you complete the correct entry form for your age. All entry forms MUST be completed in full with entry times, a coaches signature and payment method and placed in the post box by Saturday 13th January 2018 - NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
This competition is open to all those swimmers in the club who have achieved the qualifying times. Swimmers should ensure they discuss entries with their coaches, remember to take the event schedule highlighted with the events that swimmers qualify for - DO NOT just take the form to be signed with loads of times on it.
**Please Note** - Any swimmers who have completed and submitted an entry form by 13th January and then gain additional entry times at the Long Eaton Open Meet should email Liz Dempsey on before 5pm on Monday 15th January to add that entry to their schedule.
Any questions please speak to your coach as soon as possible.