Judge 1 training - 17th June 4pm at Queens park sports centre
We will be holding a Judge 1 training course on Sunday 17th June at QPSC at 4pm. This training enables you to help at our open meets with timekeeping. It is important that we have as many qualified people in the club so we can run the 3 annual open meets that raise important funds to financially sustain the club.
If you complete the training you will only be expected to help where you can and when your swimmer is competing.
If your swimmer is training on 17th June it may be possible to extend their training to fit in with the course. We are looking at the possibility of running time trials to provide swimmers who haven't yet competed with up to date times.
If your swimmer is now attending competitions there is an expectation that one parent takes this training to help with our open meets. If you are able to attend this training please contact Workforce Development Officer - Julie Cooper on juliecooper@chesterfieldsc.co.uk as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please get in touch.