Several swimmers have expressed an interest in entering the Team 2K open water event at the Summer Nationals Competition on Sunday 29th July at Rother Valley, Sheffield.
The team competition is open to anyone aged 12 and over and teams will be made up of 4 swimmers of any sex. Each swimmer must complete at least one 250m lap and the rest can be split however you want to. Registration is at 8.30am on the day of competition for a 10am swim time. The entry fee is £10 per swimmer for ASA Swim England Members, however the competition is open to those not registered too but the fee is slightly more per swimmer.
We are therefore going to enter several teams (depending on numbers). Can I ask those who wish to take part email me by Saturday 23rd June so I can sort teams and confirm cost of entry. PLEASE DO NOT PAY ANY MONEY UNTIL YOU HAVE CONFIRMATION OF THE TEAM ENTRY.
If there are more swimmers wanting to participate than we have teams available then the swimmers will be selected using the following criteria; 1st refusal to those entered into the Regional Open Water Competition and then spaces will be allocated on a 1st come 1st served basis.
It would be great to see several Chesterfield Teams entered at this competition to finish the off the season on a high.