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Winter Championships.

Well, it’s that time again. In a few short weeks we will all be at Matlock Arc for CSC’s own Winter Meet, one of the three competitions we run each year, the revenues from which are essential to the Club’s success. The programme is full; swimmers are coming from far and wide and we have a reputation for delivering well-organised and smoothly running galas. So – yes, you knew it was coming – we are inviting you to join our enthusiastic and committed team of volunteers to make sure that all goes swimmingly. In case for some reason you are hesitating about getting involved, we have compiled an exhaustive list of Very Good Reasons For Volunteering: 1. Lunch is provided, for nothing! 2. Free entry. You get to see the action without paying spectator fees. 3. It’s (a bit) cooler on the poolside. 4. It’s cooler still in the hall or on the front desk. 5. You get so close to the action that your ankles get refreshingly wet during warm up. 6. You get to fetch out the holiday flip-flops that you thought were redundant till next summer. 7. Regular free supply of cold drinks and maybe even wine gums. 8. You will be filled with civic pride. You are Doing Your Duty. 9. Research will one day show that you can absorb the health benefits of vigorous physical activity simply by being in close proximity to the swimmers*. * We hope. So, in the spirit of ‘If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em’, please join in. We make sure that you don’t miss your swimmer doing their stuff. The more volunteers there are, the easier everyone’s job is, and the time really does go much faster if you’re helping. There are a wide range of things that need doing so you won’t be stuck in one place for too long and it’s an ideal opportunity to get to know people and understand more about how the Club works. Thank you! Now all you have to do is drop Helen Murray an email: or have a word if you see her (she’s around at most County or Regional Squad sessions) and let her know which sessions you’re there for. She’ll whip out a list of who’s doing what and you can see what you fancy joining in with.  We look forward to having you on board. 


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